Book a consultation

If you are interested in booking a time to speak with us about your Amazon business, we are now offering consultation services. This is a paid service and is not cheap. Please reach out with any questions you have about what this will or will not cover after reading everything below.

The idea behind this is for you to be able to schedule a 1 or 2 hour zoom with us and you can go over and ask us any questions about your business. We DO NOT know it all but we have been doing this long enough and made enough mistakes that you should walk away with at least 1 nugget of value worth much than the $300 - $500 it will cost you. 

If this ends up becoming something that multiple people find value in, we may look into having it become a monthly type service but for now, we don't want to over promise and under deliver so these will be based on an individual booking basis. We are located in Texas so please keep in mind that all times we will be available to meet with be in Texas, CST time zone.

1 Hour consultation will be $300

2 Hour consultation will be $500

You will be having the meeting with Patrick and Aldo. We have been selling on Amazon since 2018. We have sold OA, RA, Wholesale and Private label. Currently we are mainly RA, private label and wholesale. We operate our business mostly in house with our own peppers and shoppers. We do not use any VA's at the moment but have in the past. We have sold over 5.38 million in sales just on Amazon since 4/11/2022. This does not account for our eBay, Shopify and other sales avenues. (those sales figures are much lower)

In order to get the most value for your money and time, please take a few minutes and come up with either a list of questions you would like to go over and/or any pain points you are having in your business that we can help with.


Payment is due at the time of booking. If you need to reschedule, there will not be any extra fees. If you need to cancel, there will be a 25% cancellation fee and the remaining amount refunded to you.

How to build our larger size OG shoe boxes. Super fast and easy to do!

How to build our smaller size shoe boxes. Super fast and easy to do!

Check out our TCP tape holding up a 30lb kettle bell weight!

360 view of TCP packing tape

Opening a case of TCP super stong and thick packing tape

Air bubble machine pumping out packing bubbles!

PANDA Shoe wipes in action!

PANDA Shoe wipes in action!

Are your shoes dirty?!?! Not anymore!

PANDA shoe wipes being manufactured. How Cool!